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What is Star Wars Villainous?[]
Star Wars Villainous is a strategic tabletop game where you take the role of an iconic Star Wars franchise Villain. Your goal is to fulfill the evil scheme your Villain was trying to accomplish in the movie or series they are from - whoever completes this first, wins!
Game Overview[]
Each player takes the role of a different Star Wars Villain. Each Villain has a different Objective they are trying to achieve. Each turn, players move their Villain Mover to a location on their Board and perform actions that are available there. As soon as a player has fulfilled their Villain's Objective, the game ends and that player wins.
Villains [edit] |
Power of the Dark Side |
For other games using the Villainous gameplay engine, see the Disney Villainous wiki or the Marvel Villainous wiki.
Ambition is a secondary form of currency in Star Wars Villainous. It represents a Villain's influence, inherent power, strength, leadership, luck, or use of The Force. You can spend Ambition to play Ambition cards or use Ambition Abilities.
At the start of your turn, before moving your Villain Mover, you must gain one Ambition token from the general Supply (referred to as The Chamber.)
Certain cards have a Cost showing an Ambition symbol in the lower left of the card art image, indicating that the card can only be played using an Ambition action, and by spending that amount of Ambition.
See the Ambition action page for more information.
Vehicles are a type of card unique to the Star Wars Villainous gameplay system. They are found in each Villain deck and in each Fate deck.
These cards must be played to the Deep Space area of your Villain's board (see below).
Each Vehicle card provides a new location for your Sector that your Villain can move to at the beginning of your turn, and will provide you with actions and a special Ability.
See the Vehicle page for more information.
Deep Space[]
Deep Space is a special area on the far right side of your Villain's board. This area is specifically used for playing Vehicle cards, as well as certain cards that are able to be played to Deep Space or that can be played on top of Vehicle cards.
Cards in the Deep Space area are considered to be in your Sector. Villain cards should be played on the bottom half of the Deep Space area, and Fate cards should be played on the top half, maintaining the general layout of cards within your Sector.
There is no limit to the number of cards that can be in the Deep Space area.
See the Vehicle page for more information on how cards in Deep Space function.